Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Troy and Jessica!

Good morning, good morning!
Here a few of Troy and Jessica's engagement images that I wanted to share with you. I took their engagement pictures on June 13th and will also be photographing their wedding on September 5th. Troy and Jessica were a lot of fun and willing to do just about anything! They both crawled into a hollow tree and let me tell was quite entertaining! They are a great couple and I'm super excited for their wedding!
In other news...last Thursday I went to Rochester for the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep training and learned a lot. I also cried a lot, but I don't think that there was one dry eye in the room. Wow!
Yesterday I had Kyle here for his senior pictures and had a lot of fun. He brought his flute and! He can really play!
I am still working on Scott and Bridget's and Brian and Ashley's wedding pictures, but I will post more of them for you to see as soon as I get them done. I'm sorry to the four of you for it taking so long!
Owen and Aaren...I haven't wrote about them in a long time! They are both doing well and growing like weeds! They are both now Nuk-free and Josh and I are both loving it! It's so nice to not be looking for Nuks all of the time. Owen is talking more and more everyday and is so funny. He's quite the character! Aaren is six months old now and sooo close to crawling. It's crazy to think that he's mobile already! Josh and I are leaving today to go on vacation until Sunday, so I'm a little sad to be leaving my babies, but they are staying with my parents, so I know that they will be well taken care of! I'm just hoping that Aaren can hold off on the crawling until we get back. We'll see I guess!
Oh, I do have Joe and Miranda's wedding pictures done, so I will try to get a few of them posted when I have another free minute.
So...until then, enjoy the heat and have a good day!

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