Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Vial Family!

Hello all!
Yes, it's Sunday and I'm working, but I'm really trying to get caught up, so I guess I'll do whatever it takes.
Yesterday I photographed Ryan and Danielle's wedding and had a lot of fun. They are such a great couple! Ryan and Danielle both looked great and you could just tell how in love they are with each other. Congrats Ryan and Danielle! Check back soon to see a preview from their gorgeous day!
So...the Vial's were here on June 30th for family pictures and for Jory's two year pictures. Jory...I love her name! So unique! We started outside, but I had a hard time getting any pictures because Jory didn't want to let go of my hand. It was so cute! Once we got going, Jory did great! She loved playing with her mom's jewelry! Even the dog, Neko, did great! He was a little intimidating at first because he was so big, but he was so calm and let Jory play around with him. Once we came in my studio, Jory was so curious about everything, but what do you expect? Anyway, here a few images from their sitting. Enjoy and have a good week!

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