Thursday, January 8, 2009

Meet Aaren Randall Bedward!

Hello Everyone! Well, in case you haven't heard by now, Baby Bedward has arrived! Aaren Randall Bedward was born December 18th, 2008 at 7:59 AM. He weighed 8 pounds 3.8 ounces and was 19 inches long. He is three weeks old today and is doing great. Josh and I were very surprised to have another boy, but we couldn't be happier! Owen has been a great big brother and a great help. He is always hugging and kissing Aaren and wanting to help burp and change Aaren. It's too cute!
I am going to be taking the rest of January off, but I will be back to work come February. I will then be doing the Tiny Tots and Big Kid Shots contest again, so check back for more information later. I will also be attending Bridal Expo 2009 in McGregor, Iowa on February 8th, so stop by and check out my booth.
Until then, I hope you all had a good holiday season and are enjoying the new year!

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