Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm Back!

Good evening everyone! It's been about four weeks since I've written anything, but I actually don't have much new to report. I've been working in my studio, getting things cleaned up and ready for business. I am now back from maternity leave and can't wait to get busy again.
On a personal note...Owen and Aaren are doing well.
Owen is still being a great big brother and loves playing with Aaren. It's amazing that he's such a big boy now!
Aaren is seven weeks old today and it seems like time keeps going faster and faster. He is our "Little Piggy." It seems like some days all we do is feed him. I guess he's a growing boy and needs his food! Josh and I were both excited today because he slept all night last night. Well, from 10:30 to 6:30, so I'd consider that all night. I can totally live with that! He is starting to show his personality and it's so cute! He's been laughing and of course, we laugh whenever he laughs. How fun!
Anyway, I've posted some pictures of Freddy, Alex and Danny who were all here on January 18th. Freddy was here for his one year pictures and Alex and Danny, Freddy's cousins, were here for some updated pictures.
Freddy's family have been customers of mine since I opened my studio and I'm honored to have them as customers. Freddy is becoming quite the man. It seems like just yesterday I was taking pictures for his birth announcements and now he's the big o-n-e. Wow!
This was Alex and Danny's first time to my studio and I had so much fun with them. They got along so well and were so cute together. I couldn't help but laugh at everything they did. They gave me an idea of what my boys will be like in a few years. I can't wait!
I want to remind everyone again about the Bridal Expo this Sunday, February 8th at the McGregor Landing and Event Center in McGregor, Iowa. The runway show is at noon and the vending will be held from 1-4. Admission is free, so stop by my booth and say hi.
Well, that's it for now, so keep checking back. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend.

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