Hello again everyone! Just a quick note to post a few pictures.
Summer was here on February 21st for her one year pictures, so above you will see a couple of my favorites. Summer has been coming here since she was born and I can't believe how much she's grown. She is a very smart little girl and always keeps me on my toes when she is here.
Above are also a few of Buck and Andrea's engagement pictures. We've had their studio pictures done for awile, but we wanted to try and take a few with the snow, so I went out to their farm on February 22nd and well...let's just say that it was really cold and windy! Buck's son Kyle was in a few of the pictures and he was such a good model. He didn't complain once about having to get his picture taken.
Anyway, I had my first wedding of the year on Saturday and everything went great. Bob and Beth both looked great and had a beautiful wedding. Thank you for letting me be a part of your special day and congratulations! Check back soon to see some of Bob and Beth's pictures.
I'm looking forward to Brian and Ashley coming to my studio on Tuesday for their engagement pictures. I've never met Brian, so I'm excited to officially meet and work with him.
Well...of course I have to mention my babies. They are both doing well. Owen has had a runny nose for the past week, so I'm looking forward to that getting better. I can only wipe so much snot! Yuck! And Aaren...he had his two month check up on the 23rd. He weighed 12 pounds 12 ounces and was 22 1/2 inches long. He's a perfect baby boy!
So...I'm off for now, but enjoy the pictures. Have a good week.
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