Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Hello again everyone! I just wanted to post an update since the last time I wrote.
I was a vendor at the 2009 Bridal Expo on February 8th at the McGregor Landing and Event Center. There was a very good turn out and I enjoyed meeting and talking with all of the brides. Thank you to all of you for coming!
I had a drawing at the expo for one FREE in-studio engagment session and one 11x14 print and I'm happy to say that Beth Kelly was the winner. Beth is getting married on the 28th, so since she won't be needing the session, I am actually going to give her one FREE 16x20 print from her wedding. Yes, yes...I am photographing her wedding and am looking forward to it! Beth's wedding will be my first this year and I am very excited to get back into the swing of things.
On a personal note...Owen and Aaren have been keeping me busy and it seems they are both changing everyday.
Owen just recently started to talk and is saying new words everyday. Josh and I are both amazed that he just woke up on Thursday and has a whole new vocabulary. Before he was just saying the basic, daddy, mommy, cold, hot and more. Now he says hi, bye, no, yes, please, thank you, and milk just to name a few. He also says random words when we least expect him to. It's so funny!
Aaren is nine weeks old now and is so much more alert. He is really starting to show his personality. He is a very happy boy, always laughing and smiling. He is still getting up once during the night, but he is a very good baby, so we can live with getting up. It's all worth it!
He has his two month check up tomorrow and I'm dreading it because he has to get shots. This will be the first time for shots since he was born, so I'm hoping I handle it okay. I always cry!
Anyway, I've posted some pictures of the boys from Aaren's two month old sitting. It's so much harder to do my job when you're working with your own kids. Owen wouldn't sit still for long, so I had to bribe him with M&M's. I guess I tried, so enjoy what I got!
I hope everyone has a good week, but check back soon for another update and some of Beth's wedding proofs.

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