Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Little Bit Of Everything!

Good Morning Everyone! It's been about two weeks since I last wrote, but it feels like it's been a lot longer! I have been very busy, so I'm going to try and catch you up with what's been going on.
I took Aaren's three month pictures on March 12th, but he wasn't very cooperative, so I'm not going to post them. Sorry! Other than him not wanting to have his picture taken, he has been very good. Him and Owen both! Owen is going to be turning two on the 28th, so we are getting ready for his party.
On March 13th, I went to Chicago to a Photoshop seminar and learned a lot! It's always nice to see how other photographers do things. The drive down wasn't very fun, so I had my friend Dick drive on the way home. City driving isn't for me! Well, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad, but our GPS kept getting us lost! Oh well! We made it home safe and sound, so that's all that matters!
On March 21st Konner and Sawyer were here for Sawyer's six month pictures, so above you will find a few of my favorites from their sitting. They are both getting to be such big boys! I had a lot of fun with them and look forward to their next visit.
On March 29th and 30th I went to Rochester to another seminar and once again learned a lot. I am going to be making some changes to the way I'm doing things, so I'll keep everyone posted to what is changing and when.
I photographed Buck and Andrea's wedding on the 4th and had so much fun! They are a great couple and had a really fun wedding party! Probably a little too fun! I'll post their pictures as soon as I get them done.
Meagan Achenbach was here on the 5th for her first senior sitting. Meagan will be graduating from Prairie Senior High in 2010 and she is actually one of my senior reps for the year. I have known Meagan for a long, long time and can't believe that she is old enough to be graduating. Scary! Above you will also find a few of her pictures. And when I say a few...I mean a few. I had a lot of fun playing around with her and took tons of pictures! I don't know how she is ever going to pick out her favorites!
So...senior reps...Meagan is going to be handing out referral cards to kids in her class, so for every one that I get back, I'll give Meagan twenty-four free wallets and the person who brings in the referral card will also get twenty-four free wallets. If any of you know someone who will be graduating in 2010, who would be interested in being a senior rep, please contact me for more information. And it doesn't have to be someone just from Prairie. Any area school is fine.
Speaking of seniors...any 2010 senior that books before the end of May will receive fifty percent off of their sitting fee.
I also want to let everyone know that I did not participate in the Tiny Tots and Big Kid Shots contest this year. I had said that I was going to be doing it, but things got busy after I came back to work, so I'm going to just wait until next year when I have more time and can focus more on it.
I want to say congratulations to Troy and Jessica, who will be getting married on September 5th and Brian and Nichol, who will be getting married on October 10th. I will be photographing both of their weddings and look forward to working with all of them.
Alright, this has gotten to be very long, so enjoy the update and have a good day.

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