Saturday, May 2, 2009

Once Again...Tons of Stuff!

Good Morning Everyone! Yes, I know, I've once again been slacking on writing, so this is going to be another catch up. Please bear with me!
As I said the last time I wrote, I photographed Buck and Andrea's wedding on April 4th, but I'm still working on their proofs. They are taking me a little longer than normal, but things have been a little crazy around here. Buck and Andrea know that I'm working on them and they will be the first to know as soon as I get them done. I'm sorry for the delay Buck and Andrea! I promise that I will post some of their proofs as soon as they are done though, so keep checking back.
I took Aaren's four month pictures, so below you will see what I ended up with. There are two of Aaren and one of Owen and Aaren. Aaren doesn't seem to like to have his picture taken! Oh well! Although he did do well when I had Josh take a few pictures of us. Below you will also see my favorite picture of Aaren and I. I love his smile!
One of the reasons things have been so crazy around here is because my brother, Joe, is getting married. Him and Miranda will be tying the knot next Saturday, May 9th, so I've been busy helping them get things ready for their big day. Miranda's shower and bachelorette party were on April 18th and a good time was had by all! So...once they are married things will go back to normal around here. I've just been a little pre-occupied! Joe is my only sibling, so I'm very excited for him to be getting married. And I couldn't ask for a better sister-in-law. Miranda is great and I'm happy that she is finally going to officially be part of the family.
We have also been busy with Owen's birthday. We had his second birthday party on April 25th, so as soon as I get some of the pictures edited, I'll post them for you to see. Owen is getting to be such a big boy...he's two! Where does the time go?
My birthday was on April 27th, but I didn't get to spend it with my family. I went to Madison for another seminar and am happy to say that I once again learned some good things. Now...I just need to find the time to put everything to good use. Hmmm...
In case you didn't notice, I have added a header to my blog, so if you have a minute, please let me know what you think of it. I've also been working on a logo, so I'll post that as soon as it's 100% finished.
Well, I think that's it for now. I hope this gives you a little idea of what I've been up to, so enjoy and have a good weekend. Hopefully it won't be too long until I write again.
I am going to post another entry with the wedding album that I just finished, so take a look!
Have a good weekend!

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