Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tom and Jenna!

Okay, as I said, here is Tom and Jenna's wedding album that I just finished. I photographed Tom and Jenna's wedding last October and I must say that their wedding was one of the prettiest weddings that I've ever been to.
Since their wedding, I have gotten to be really good friends with Tom and Jenna and am happy to say that they are now expecting. YEAH! They are due in July and I am so excited to meet Baby Taylor! Their baby shower is today, so I will try and post some pictures once I get caught up.
I will be taking Tom and Jenna's pregnancy pictures in June, so once again, please check back if you want to see Jenna's cute baby bump.
Anyway, onto Tom and Jenna's wedding album. There's a lot to look at, so enjoy!

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